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Excellence at Skills Manitoba
Students and staff meeting with the Manitoba Government Speaker of the House the Honourable Tom Lindsay (MLA Flin Flon).

Excellence at Skills Manitoba

Frontier School Division was well represented at the 2024 Skills Manitoba competition that took place on April 11, 2024 at Red River Polytech in Winnipeg.   It was the largest contingent that Frontier School Division has ever sent, with 13 competitors participating in several competitions including Carpentry, Hairstyling, Fashion Technology, Job Skill Demonstration, Public Speaking, Automobile Technology, and Outdoor Power & Rec Equipment.

We are pleased to share the following students received medals for their efforts:

Bronze Medal

Shadyn Clarke            Fashion Technology             Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

Leah Moose                Hairstyling                             Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

Carly Douglas             Job Skill Demonstration     Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

Rikki Sanderson         Public Speaking                   Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre


Silver Medal

Raymond James            Carpentry                          Frontier Collegiate


Gold Medal

Samantha Muskego-Albert     Fashion Technology   Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

Alexis Mowat-Keeper              Hairstyling                   Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

Great job students!  In addition, Samantha Muskego-Albert will be representing Frontier and Manitoba at the Skills Canada event held in Quebec City at the end of May.  Best wishes and good luck Samantha!

We also want to congratulate other students who participated in the event.   We are very proud of you!

Kayleen Anderson         Outdoor Power & Rec. Equipment         Frontier Collegiate

Gideon Trout                     Hairstyling                                            Frontier Collegiate

Jadalynn Little                   Hairstyling                                            Frontier Collegiate

Brianne Morin                   Automotive Technology                    Frontier Collegiate

Jayla Anderson                 Workplace Safety                                Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

Kearston Ross                  Fashion Technology                             Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre

To all the teachers and staff who supported students in preparing and competing for this event – we thank you!

Below are a few comments received from the students about their experiences visiting the Manitoba Legislative Assembly and participation in the Skills Manitoba competition:

“Meeting Wab Kinew”.

“I made friends and laughed- A LOT!! Students need to be made aware of these opportunities because they are fantastic”.

“I will remember the other contestants. I noticed how many of them had different reactions to the competition, whether it was being nervous or confident. I liked that everyone was really dedicated to their competition and did their best to place. It was inspiring to see everyone do their best and work hard for the competition”.

“When they called my name as the Gold medal winner!”

“Making friends!”

“Probably the mistakes I made on my project that I will learn from.”

“The people we were able to meet and the experiences we made together as a team.”

“What I will remember the most of this experience would be: Sitting in the gallery in the legislative building looking down at the government ministers and watch how the government works. They were discussing how to make the best laws for the community’s and the province. Meeting Nahanni Fontaine, Tom Lindsay and Wab Kinew was the highlight of the event. I will remember this experience for the rest of my life and I got to enjoy every moment of it.”


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