What we Offer is an Opportunity of a Lifetime:

- Full-time/Permanent Teaching and Administrative Positions
- Comprehensive Salary and Benefits - Frontier takes pride in offering additional benefits as outlined in the Manitoba Teachers' Collective Agreement, an addendum specific to Frontier begins on page 58.
- Housing allowance or subsidized housing (rent is approx. $500-$600/month - everything is included except internet and cable)
- Moving and transportation reimbursement
- Isolation allowance in qualifying communities
- Annual travel allowance
- Curriculum coaching support

The Division shall offer an eligible teacher who has attained their Bachelor of Education degree in the 2022, 2023 or 2024 calendar years a recruitment incentive payment of up to $10,000 per school year, for up to three (3) consecutive years, commencing in the 2024-25 school year. Eligibility for the recruitment incentive payment is conditional upon the eligible teacher entering into a New Graduate Recruitment Incentive Payment Agreement.
New Graduate Recruitment Incentive 2024-25