Frequently Asked Questions

Frontier School Division is the largest geographical school division in Manitoba, located in 39 vibrant and amazing communities spread throughout 75% of the province. Visit Schools | Frontier School Division to learn more!
- Academics
- Indigenous Way of Life
- Student Services and Wellness
- Current teaching positions can be found on our website Teaching Positions | Frontier School Division
- In order to apply for a teaching position, you must register an account in ApplyToEducation
- You must include the following:
- Updated resume
- Cover Letter
- List of three professional references including contact numbers and emails, all of whom must have knowledge of the applicant's performance in the applicant's current or recent assignment
- Good to include: Any relevant documentation e.g., Manitoba Certification, WES evaluation (international applicants that are eligible to work in Canada please include your valid working VISA documentation)
- Current support positions can be found on our website Support Positions | Frontier School Division
- Schools are responsible for hiring support staff, please follow instructions at the bottom of the job postings.
Here is the Support Staff Application Form. Please complete it and submit it according to the instructions provided in the job posting.
- Yes - Frontier School Division is a part of the Manitoba Teachers' Shared Collective Agreement - Note: Frontier takes pride in offering additional benefits as outlined in the Manitoba Teachers' Collective Agreement, Frontier addendums beginning on page 58.
- Frontier School Division is a member of Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund (TRAF) Online Services - TRAF
- Yes, FSD offers subsidized housing in many of our communities (rent is determined based on per sq ft of the unit (on average rent is between $500-$600/month everything included except internet and cable).
- If housing is unavailable in the community, or you have made other housing arrangements, you will receive an annual housing allowance as outlined in the Manitoba Teachers Provincial Collective Agreement Bargaining - Teachers - Manitoba School Boards Association (FSD Addendum starts on pg. 58)
- All teachers in Manitoba must hold a valid and subsisting Manitoba teaching certificate
- No, in order to be eligible to work in FSD you are required to have a valid Canadian work VISA, be a Canadian citizen or a permanent or temporary citizen of Canada.