By the Numbers

​Based on data from the 2022-23 School Year

Frontier School Division is Manitoba’s largest geographical school division, spanning 75% of the province’s land mass that extends to the USA, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Nunavut borders as well as the shoreline of the Hudson’s Bay. Given its size, the Division is divided into five areas with offices in Thompson, Cranberry Portage, Dauphin, Norway House, and Winnipeg.

The Division has 1,604 staff, 630 teachers and 945 support staff working to educate 6,834 Kindergarten to Grade twelve students within 39 schools. Located throughout the FSD are 21 Adult Education sites that provide education for up to 500 adults in the Frontier communities. 

The current operating budget is $178,751,938 (2024/2025) and supports Board initiatives that focus on students and their learning success. The budget represents equity in a manner that ensures all students are equally supported ensuring that no student is shortchanged any opportunity as a result of school size or geographical location, and where required, receives additional supports.