Planned and balanced physical education programming develops knowledge, skills, and attitudes for active and healthy lifestyles among students. At Frontier School Division, we ensure Kindergarten to Grade 8 students receive a minimum of 30 minutes of physical education per day.
For more information about the physical education curriculum Frontier follows, visit the Province of Manitoba’s Physical Education Curriculum resource.
Frontier’s Physical Education and Health Education school programs include:
- Healthy Foods Policy
- Physical Activity Program
- Frontier Games
- CAMP (Circus and Magic Performing Arts)
- Kids on the Move
- Health Week (May)
- NOT Program (Not on Tobacco) Smoking
- Diabetes Awareness
- DARE (Drug Awareness) RCMP
- Physical Education/Physical Health Classes
- Outdoor Education/Leadership
- Intramurals
- MHSAA (Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association) Grades 9-12
- Manitoba Winter/Summer Games
- North American Indigenous Games
- Canoe Trip, Level 1 Course
For further information about Physical Education, please contact:
Heather Lowe
Health, Wellness & Physical Education Coordinator
Brian McMillan (Mick)
Physical Education Coordinator
Frontier Games celebrates 50 Years!
March 13-15, 2024 - Norway House, MB
Over 400 student athletes from various communities across the division gathered together on March 13-15 in Norway House to participate in the 50th Annual Frontier Games where they participated in a variety of indoor/outdoor sports.
Visit the FG 2024- 50th website to watch videos from throughout the games and to view the results.
Over the course of the last 50 years, the games still hold true to the initial idea:
'Bringing students together, instilling a sense of pride and building both camaraderie and memories to last a lifetime".
Visit the section Documents and Forms to access/download the FG Constitution, Technical Pkg and registration forms.
Click on the link below to view the results from previous years games.
2024 marks the 16th year of the Frontier High School Games. This year the games will take place April 10th - 13th, 2024 in Cranberry Portage, MB.
Visit the section Documents and Forms to access/download the HSG Constitution, Technical Pkg and registration forms.